Ministry of Science and Technology


The Ministry of Science and Technology is responsible for the State of Israel’s investment in scientific research in fields of national priority and serves as a link that connects academic research with industrial development. 

The Ministry strives to improve Israel’s knowledge  and research infrastructure, to maximize the benefit from the knowledge amassed by researchers at Israel’s research institutions in order to facilitate research with the potential for realistic application.

In addition to the Minister’s Office and the Office of the Director General, the Ministry runs nine central divisions:  The Chief Scientist Office, the Science Infrastructure Program, the Israel Space Agency, the Science and Community Department that includes eight regional research and development centers, International Scientific Relations, the National Council for Civil Research and Development, the National Council for the Advancement of Women in Science and the Administrative Headquarters. 

The Ministry of Science and Technology plays a central role in the creation and advancement of research and development in Israel.  Focused on excellence and positioning Israel as a country at the forefront of science and technology, the Ministry sets scientific priorities in order to enhance its human and physical infrastructure, establish international scientific relations and leverage Israel’s relative advantages.  Moreover, the Ministry aims to bring science to the community, strengthen sectors with a minor presence in scientific fields and develop scientific studies in the periphery.

The minister of Science and Technology is Ofir Akunis, and the General manager is Peretz Vazan.



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