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With Israel being a world leader in the space industry: a small country with a large relative technological advantage in the field. Israel’s long standing successful space heritage includes technological development, applications and durable and competitive products of the space industry.

As approaching the 13th year of existence, The Ilan Ramon International Space Conference, is excited to announce that the conference will be held at Tel Aviv University with a new collaboration between the Israel Space Agency at the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Yuval Ne’eman Workshop for Science, Technology and Security at Tel Aviv University. The Conference provides the opportunity for prominent leaders in the space field to intermingle and collaborate. Bringing together the Israeli space community with decision makers, highly recognized academics, experts from the industry and government, military personalities and senior figures from space agencies and space industries around the world. With our aim to continue to grow and expand, we are looking to further collaborate and find sponsorship opportunities.


We believe this collaboration is a great opportunity for companies to promote their brand and product to a targeted professional audience, while supporting continued innovation and space research.

For further information about partnerships & sponsorship please feel free to email

We would love to hear from you & have a potential partnership!

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