Mr. Avi Gal

Mr. Avi Gal 

Director, R&D Projetcs and Alliances Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd.

Avi Gal completed his Bachelor's Degree in Physics and Computer Science in 1986 at the Bar-Ilan University. He has acquired more than 35 years of experience in system engineering and management of large and multidisciplinary R&D projects for various leading high tech companies; from 1999, Avi Gal is working for Gilat Satellite Networks as Director, R&D Projects and Alliances. Avi Gal chaired the Israeli successful consortiums RESCUE and LSRT each for 5 years of cooperation between leading telecommunication companies and leading academic researchers. Both of them funded by the Israeli OCS. Avi also coordinated few multi-national successful EC funded cooperation research and innovation projects. Avi also contributed to the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the satellite community in Europe. Co-chaired the mobile SATCOM antenna session at EuCAP 2014 in Netherlands. Chaired the 2nd Israeli INCOSE conference. Co-author of many technical papers, participated as a technical committee member in few technical conferences. For more than 18 years he is advancing Innovation through cooperation. Avi is the coordinator of an active project within Clean Sky 2 program as part of H2020 and vice chairman of the Israeli NEPTUNE consortium.

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