Mr. David Zusiman

Mr. David Zusiman 

Constellation Program Manager, Sky and Space Global, UK

Mr. David Zusiman holds more than 17 years of experience in the space industry, as program manager of LEO, GEO, remote sensing and communication satellites, military and commercial spacecraft.
Prior to joining Sky and space Global as program manager for the “FutureNet” constellation of 220 satellites, David was program manager for the SpaceDroneTM in-orbit servicing satellite built for Effective Space Solutions. Before that David was part of the AMOS satellites operator team, Spacecom, there he was responsible for deployment of for AMOS-3 and AMOS-4 and led teams for the definition and bid managing for AMOS-6 and AMOS-7.
David holds a B.Sc in Aerospace Engineering from The Technion Institute and a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from Tel-Aviv university, He was a former officer in the IAF Space and Satellites branch.
David is one of the founders of the Israeli Space Society and the acting CEO, a committee member of the Israeli Nano-satellites association (INSA).

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