Dr. Gerard Dedieu

Dr. Gerard Dedieu 


Dr. Gérard DEDIEU is 61 years old, has a background in Physics and more than 35 years of experience in the use of remote sensing for land surface studies.

He has been a CNES engineer since 1988, working as research scientist in LERTS and now CESBIO research laboratories. He is the head of the CNES personnel at CESBIO (6 engineers and scientists). Dr.Dedieu first specialized in the pre-processing of satellite measurements (atmospheric effects corrections), developing methods to estimate surface parameters (albedo, solar radiation, net primary productivity). He acted as coordinator of the "Terrestrial Biosphere" component of the European Study of Carbon in the Ocean, Biosphere and the Atmosphere projects funded by EC (1993-1995, 1996-1998). He also coordinated the RITA project funded (2008-2010) by the "Regions of Knowledge” program of the EU FP7. The overall objective of RITA was to explore the conditions for the emergence of a European network of Living Labs dedicated to developing applications of satellite remote sensing and geographic information.
His main interests are now in the use of high spatial and temporal resolution satellite image time series for land surface issues, mainly focusing on agriculture with Sentinel and Venµs missions and on the co-construction of research programs and EO services through the implementation of territorial Living Labs. Dr. Dedieu is the principal investigator of the French-Israeli Earth Observation Mission Venµs launched in 2017 abd is the co-author of more than 56 articles in peer-reviewed journals.

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