Major Gen. (Ret.) Prof. Isaac Ben-Israel

Major Gen. (Ret.) Prof. Isaac Ben-Israel

Chairman, Israel Space Agency, Israel's Ministry of Science and Technology

Head of Yuval Ne'eman Workshop for Science Technology and Security, Tel Aviv University

Prof. Isaac Ben-Israel studied mathematics, physics and philosophy, earning his PhD in 1988 at TEL Aviv University. 

As a  Major-General, He served as Director of Defence R&D Directorate of the Israel Defense Forces and the Ministry of Defense. He is a recipient of the Israel Defense Award (twice) and the Israel Air Force Award.  He was a Member of Parliament (Knesset) from 2007 to 2009. 

Prof. Ben-Israel joined the faculty of Tel Aviv University in 2002, where he is the head of the Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Centre (ICRC) and Yuval Ne'eman workshop for Science, Technology and Security.  

Currently he is Chairman of the Israel Space Agency.

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