Dr. Jean-Jacques Favier

Dr. Jean-Jacques Favier


Dr. Jean-Jacques Favier is an engineer from the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, earned a PhD in Metallurgy from the Ecole des Mines de Paris and a PhD in Solid State Physics from the University of Grenoble. Dr. Jean-Jacques Favier has been Deputy Director for Space Technology and Deputy Director for Advanced Concepts and Strategy at CNES and Director of the Solidification. He was a research engineer at the Laboratory at the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). He then became Deputy Director for Space Technology and Deputy Director for Advanced Concepts and Strategy at CNES. Dr. Jean-Jacques Favier was selected as French Astronaut Candidate in 1985, and then selected again by NASA as Payload Specialist in 1992, firstly alternate on the STS 65/IML2 shuttle mission. During the flight he was Crew Interface Coordinator at Control Center. He then flew on STS78/LMS Columbia mission in June/July 1996, logging 17 days in orbit. He worked as a scientist with the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (French Atomic Energy Commission) from 1976 to 1999. He published more than 130 publications and earned several scientific awards including two Prizes of the French Academy of Sciences (Grand Prix Marcel Dassault and Prix E. Brun). He is now the Chair of the Research Steering Committee. Dr. Favier is co-founder of Blue Planet, an innovative company aiming at developing and exploiting a new concept of microsats constellation covering 1 Earth, with 1 Meter resolution every Week. Dr. Favier is the recipient of several decorations: He received the French Legion d’Honneur, the NASA Flight Medal, the Gold Medal of the City of Grenoble.

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